a new war on christmas

“Pope”Benedict XVI: “Everything you’ve been told about Christmas is a lie.”

as you’ve no doubt heard from every single media outlet, the “Pope” has said in his new book that God doesn’t exist and that the incarnation is a myth and that there were no animals at the birth of Jesus. (h/t image: NovusOrdoWatch, frothing rage: Tom “Please Donate” Droleskey)

um, and what about “ox and ass before him lay”?

yeah, that’s what i thought. check and mate, sir.

as might be expected, the usual novus ordo suspects are jumping to Benedict’s defense and explaining that he’s been misquoted and/or quoted out of context. in fact, it seems that he has not denied God’s existence, nor the incarnation, nor even the presence of animals at Jesus’ birth.

frankly, i don’t care what he *actually* said. i’ve gotten myself good and angry and i intend to stay that way.

seriously, folks, this newest “Jesus of Nazareth” is about the biggest atrocity we’ve ever seen perpetrated upon the world, or at least about the biggest atrocity perpetrated upon the world as a direct result of Jesus’ birth.

yup, i’d say it comes in somewhere between the slaughter of the innocents and Newsong’s “Christmas Shoes.”

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0a_Y1wAJ2MU]


3 Responses to “a new war on christmas”

  1. “frankly, i don’t care what he *actually* said. i’ve gotten myself good and angry and i intend to stay that way.”

    You say so well what I think the same way, Troll. I can not have said this any better by myself!

  2. Antonin Strombauch Says:

    Well, I’ll give the current “pope” credit: I’ve always thought the ox and the ass were a bit of an embellishment in the Christmas story. I won’t criticize him too much for this.

    But I draw the line at casting doubt upon the story of the Wise Men. This account from Luke was cited specifically in Pope St. Galfronius’ Bull “Felix felix gaudium gaudium” in support of the Catholic doctrine of Jewish miserliness. The Wise Men had to bring gifts to the Baby Jesus because the Jews wouldn’t… and they still won’t, in their perfidiousness.

  3. > frankly, i don’t care what he *actually* said. i’ve gotten myself good and angry and i intend to stay that way

    A blog is no place for facts, right?

    > seriously, folks, this newest “Jesus of Nazareth” is about the biggest atrocity we’ve ever seen perpetrated upon the world

    And why is that? You don’t actually say…

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